Friday, July 17, 2009

Fifteen Creative Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

Once you have got your blog up and running you might think that you can sit back and relax. You have your niche market coming back religiously for more. But, then as days pass you realize that there aren't any comments and the traffic is not what you had visualized it to have been.
Blogs also need to be promoted, visibility created just as any other website. Listed beneath are some tried and tested tips to generate more traffic in the direction of your blog.
• The very first thing that you must do is to set up Bloglet Subscription whereby everyone that you know can subscribe to it. You can reach out to as many people as you know starting from family to ending with your acquaintances.
• Secondly, set up a feed on other search engines so that your blog gets regularly spidered by the other search engines.
• It is a world of, you scratch my back and in turn I scratch yours. Go on to read and comment on other people's blogs as then they will go on to comment on yours. If you leave useful and relevant comments along with a link to your blog. The person who reads the comment is bound to come back to your blog to read further.
• You could use Ping-o-matic directories to ping every time that you publish your blog.
• You could try the traditional method of putting up your blog on search engines.
• You could also try and submit your blog to other blog directories. You can track your submissions on a daily basis. It will be time consuming but ultimately worth the effort.
• Adding a link to your blog with your email signature will be beneficial too
• Ensure that every page of your website has a link to your blog. This way it will serve a dual purpose.
• Same is the case with published newsletters. See to it that it has a link embedded to your blog.
• All the marketing and promotional material that you send out must have a link to your blog. This will include all the letters, reports and papers.
• The business cards, banners and brochures must have the blog URL printed prominently on it.
• Your blog must have an RSS fed URL that your readers can subscribe to. RSS feeds come in various options so go ahead and select the best one suited for your needs.
• Do not let your content turn stagnant. Ensure that you keep the content alive by posting as often as possible.
• Use Track back to make certain that you know if someone has posted a link to your blog. The best part is that the link for your blog will be a part of that site henceforth.
• Follow self discipline and focus. Keep aside at least some time in the day to post on your blog.
This kind of dedication and nurturing of your blog will certainly show results for you.

if you need any assistance, feel free to contact me on,,


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