Friday, September 18, 2009

What to Do If You Aren't Making Any Affiliate Sales

Are you an internet marketing, also known as an affiliate? You might be, and if you are, you've probably asked this question before: What to do if you aren't making affiliate sales. It's a position every affiliate has been in at some point or another, and it's not the nicest place to be in the world.

You're giving it everything you've got, you're writing and publishing heaps of articles a day, you have all your websites up and running, your email list is building up nicely and your PPC accounts show a steady click-through rate.

YET, when you check your affiliate account, NADA, ZILCH, ZIP. There's nothing there! It's one of the worst feelings one can get. After all, you've braved the affiliate world in order to escape the world of the dreaded 'hours', yet even then you still got a paycheck at the end of the week. Now, you're putting in heaps of effort, and you aren't getting any rewards.

There are a couple of things to look for if you aren't making affiliate sales:

Firstly, make sure that your campaigns just aren't all advertisements. Something I hate is when I join an email list expecting information on something, and just getting email after email of sales pitch. In my own inbox! This applies to whatever your doing on the internet as well, make sure that your websites give more then they take. Building trust with your customers will equal cash, but it does take a bit more time to implement. It's worth it though.

Secondly, consider your audience. Are you promoting the wrong angle? You could well be. Making sure you understand your customers is important. Are you promoting 'making money'? That's dangerous. What are your customers looking for when they search for 'making money'. These searchers don't want to buy, they're just looking for information! Promoting a specific product under 'review' 'buy' or 'opinion' means that your customer is potentially going to buy the product.

Thirdly, DON'T GIVE UP! This is the biggest one. KEEP WORKING AT IT! I don't like writing in all caps, but I think it is necessary. You are not going to become filthy rich by writing a few articles and putting up a website. You need to keep working at it, because those sales will come. It's a matter of time, but you'll get there. You will!

Good luck!

for help email me on or call +2348053081804, +2347032973204

How Can an Affiliate Make Marketing Money - Learn How to Earn!

Are you an affiliate trying to make marketing money? Are you having an easy time, or are you finding it difficult? Perhaps you are putting the cart before the horse. Keep reading and I will explain.

If you're new or struggling in the internet marketing business, or even if you're already established, you may be looking for a good affiliate marketing business to supplement your income. If you already know how to do this, then you will know what I'm talking about. However, if you're still yet to make your first dollar, you may want to take notice.

The point here is that you probably got into this to make some money. If you're like me, I always wanted to do this, but I was always too busy to try it. Then the economy went bad, and I lost my job, so I came here with a renewed sense of urgency. I was actually lucky enough to find another job, but I wasn't making as much as I was before, so now I sat in front of my computer with a lot of motivation. However, as I would soon find out, this would actually hurt me more than help.

The reason for this is that money was playing too big a part in my decision making. You may be saying, what is he talking about. Well, what I mean is that I was wanting to make money so badly, that I was not making clear decisions. And I was not making good decisions because I had no idea what I was doing. I spent a good deal of money foolishly.

I've written a few other articles on this if you want to know more about it. The point is, I learned the hard way that, in the beginning, how much money I make is the last thing I need to be concerned with. Unless I take the time to learn how to do this, I will never make a dime. And, the more I worried about the money I wasn't making, the more desperate I became, and that's when I spent even more money on things that I had no idea what they were.

I'm not saying there aren't good things to spend money on. There are definitely some good tools, and good programs to get involved with. However, even if you're involved with something that's good, you may have no idea how good it is because you don't know what to do. If someone tries to tell you all you need to do is put up a great website selling a very much in demand product, I would say to be skeptical because unless you know how to bring people to it that want to buy it, it will probably be as if you had no website at all.

for more info email me on or call +2348053081804

Friday, September 11, 2009

4 Effective Tips to Affiliate Marketing Beginners

If you're like me, you may want to earn a huge extra income from any sources - the best is from the internet. Internet Money Making is true provided with the right information that can guide you to the correct steps that you should take. There is millions of information in the internet about making money online, however it's like connecting the dots.

For your information internet money making is achievable by affiliate marketing system. It is a system where a company or a product owner accepts affiliate and a person signs-up as an affiliate, promotes the product and receives a percentage of commission after making a sale. It is a win-win situation for both parties because it is centered in revenue sharing system. Here's basic information you should know:

Choose a Niche - it's the foundation of your work. You should choose a target category or market that you want to dedicate your future work mostly you start with what you love to do and what you already know, hobbies or what you are passionate about examples are relationships, health, money, business and etc. Your affiliate products that you are going to promote would be related to this. It is very easy to write something you already know
Choose Products with great percentage of commission - don't accept less than 50% commission rate and don't accept less than $20. Your break-even should be $20.
Gather great information and be willing to learn more. Don't invest unless you are confident about your knowledge.
Internet Money Making through Affiliate Marketing System is not an overnight wealth and there's no such thing as instant wealth in the internet. If there is, those are definitely scams. You have to work for it and it takes at least 3 weeks to 3 months to get your first income. But it's all worth it.
Need any help, just mail me on

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Learn Some Facts About Affiliate Marketing

Most people have careers that they don't necessarily enjoy. They get up each and every morning and head to work, some spending long hours at the office. They never seem to get ahead and the days just seem to drag on. They dream of a life where they make their own hours earning an income they can be proud of and spending their days as they please.

This seems to be the reason so many people are now turning to the internet and affiliate marketing so that they can make some extra income. Affiliate marketing has been responsible for billions of dollars worth of revenue and much of that is centered around the holiday season. If you are also considering trying your hand at affiliate marketing, there are a few facts you should know before getting started.

The Initial Decision:
Choosing affiliate marketing and making that initial decision to begin is an important step. When starting any type of business it will take time, dedication, determination, desire, effort, money and faith to succeed. Affiliate marketing is no different. There will be times when you are tired and don't want to do the work. But you are the one that is ultimately responsible for the outcome and the results.

On the up side there will be times when the money is coming in on a regular basis and you are excited and thrilled at the results. It's really important that you keep those times in mind so that you can continue to move forward even when you get discouraged. When you have the faith that you will succeed, never give up because there will be both good and bad times associated with this business.

Get the Education:
Without the proper education and training, it will be very difficult to figure this out all on your own. By purchasing a course or joining a community that will teach you all the steps involved is crucial to your success. You wouldn't get hired for a position without knowing how to do the job itself. When you have the skills to succeed in that particular position, you will do a much better job and advance up the corporate ladder. Affiliate marketing is no exception.

Invest in Your Business:
What's great about affiliate marketing is that you can start with little to no investment. But over time as you continue to learn and grow your business, you will want to build your own website and your own list. There is an investment involved but as the saying goes, "it takes money to make money". This business is no different. When you take the time to build your own website and your own list, you can continue to promote other products to your list and make even more money over time. This is a smart business move and one you will want to consider as time goes on.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money and to build a successful business online. It does take time and patience before you will start seeing any type of steady income. With any other type of business, it takes consistency of doing the work each and every day. This is a great way to earn extra income or build your business up to a full time income. As long as you have the desire to succeed, the faith that you can make this into a prosperous business and the willingness to continue learning, you will have success.

for more info contact Goodness on +2348053081804

Benefits and Advantages of Starting an Affiliate Marketing Business

What I love about this affiliate business is how it fits so perfectly into my hectic life. It can be started part time, there's no products to pack and ship either. I don't even have to collect money as the merchants process payments. I just get paid and fast at that.

One of the top benefits that you will experience when choosing an affiliate program is that there are numerous programs available in which you do not have to make any purchases to get started. These programs allow you to sign up and simply market the services and/or products that their website has to offer to the general public and if one of those services and/or products sell, then you make a profit. Profits in affiliate programs are identified as "Commissions

The average affiliate program will offer a commission of 10% all the way up to 75%! There are many successful marketing techniques that can be used online in order to "get the word out" about the items that you are trying to sell. Successful individuals have been using these strategies successfully for years and most of them confirm the fact that the commissions that they receive from sales in affiliate programs is much higher than they made while working in the workforce.

The next advantage associated with an affiliate program is that you can implement the use of social networking in order to market the services and/or products that your program specializes in. This is a great way to attract an "audience". Implementing the use of websites like MySpace, Twitter, Squidoo, Facebook, and even YouTube for video marketing can help you develop a following of individuals. While this may not seem like too much of a benefit, it is in that one of the most crucial elements to selling successfully on the internet is to acquire trust among potential consumers.

It is also important to exhibit your knowledge on the services and/or products that you advertise, as well as all things related to those services and products. Plus, millions upon millions of individuals implement the use of social networking websites on a daily basis to connect to others. In the end, you are likely to attract targeted traffic, or traffic of people who are actually seeking the services and/or products that you have to offer!

The next benefit of becoming involved in an affiliate program is the overall popularity that you will create for yourself on the internet. By using marketing techniques such as article marketing campaigns, video marketing strategies, social network marketing, and similar endeavors, the link to your affiliate program will place higher in search engines. If you specialize in "ebook creation", for example, and have links placed all over the internet, when someone targets the keyword "ebook creation", your link is likely to appear on the first page of search results, and possibly even in the first place of the first page. This will assist in helping you create the success that you require and want financially! There are many benefits to becoming involved in affiliate programs, give it a shot for yourself!

There are many benefits of becoming associated with an affiliate program. In today's failing economy, individuals around the nation are losing their jobs on a daily basis. Many of these individuals are losing their jobs due to businesses closing their doors. Others are experiencing layoffs due to financial distress within the company that they work for. Then, there are those that are terminated. Self-employment is starting to become extremely popular among the public - specifically those who have experienced the devastation of job loss.

Many of the individuals that seek self-employment turn towards the internet for opportunities. While there are many programs that pay to take surveys and similar tasks. Opportunities in affiliate programs are the most promising when it comes to financial success.

To know all what it takes to start an affiliate marketing and make your first dollars within 24 hours guaranteed, order for an ebook on affiliate marketing by sending YOUR NAME, PHONE NUMBER, STATE,and the word AFFILIATE MARKETING EBOOK TO +2347032973204.If you do not receive any reply within 24hrs, send the message again. 0R CALL Goodness on +2348053081804.

Wishin you all the best.