Friday, September 18, 2009

What to Do If You Aren't Making Any Affiliate Sales

Are you an internet marketing, also known as an affiliate? You might be, and if you are, you've probably asked this question before: What to do if you aren't making affiliate sales. It's a position every affiliate has been in at some point or another, and it's not the nicest place to be in the world.

You're giving it everything you've got, you're writing and publishing heaps of articles a day, you have all your websites up and running, your email list is building up nicely and your PPC accounts show a steady click-through rate.

YET, when you check your affiliate account, NADA, ZILCH, ZIP. There's nothing there! It's one of the worst feelings one can get. After all, you've braved the affiliate world in order to escape the world of the dreaded 'hours', yet even then you still got a paycheck at the end of the week. Now, you're putting in heaps of effort, and you aren't getting any rewards.

There are a couple of things to look for if you aren't making affiliate sales:

Firstly, make sure that your campaigns just aren't all advertisements. Something I hate is when I join an email list expecting information on something, and just getting email after email of sales pitch. In my own inbox! This applies to whatever your doing on the internet as well, make sure that your websites give more then they take. Building trust with your customers will equal cash, but it does take a bit more time to implement. It's worth it though.

Secondly, consider your audience. Are you promoting the wrong angle? You could well be. Making sure you understand your customers is important. Are you promoting 'making money'? That's dangerous. What are your customers looking for when they search for 'making money'. These searchers don't want to buy, they're just looking for information! Promoting a specific product under 'review' 'buy' or 'opinion' means that your customer is potentially going to buy the product.

Thirdly, DON'T GIVE UP! This is the biggest one. KEEP WORKING AT IT! I don't like writing in all caps, but I think it is necessary. You are not going to become filthy rich by writing a few articles and putting up a website. You need to keep working at it, because those sales will come. It's a matter of time, but you'll get there. You will!

Good luck!

for help email me on or call +2348053081804, +2347032973204

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