Monday, October 19, 2009

Five Things Successful Online Marketers Have in Common

Successful online marketers have rarely just fallen into their wealth. They have defined a different set of rules for themselves to the rest of the population and they have worked extremely hard at making money online and becoming successful home based online business entrepreneurs.

The common denominator though is that they are not happy with the status quo. They accept where they are but then want to move beyond it to their own definition of success.

Successful online business entrepreneurs are tough on principle but soft on procedure. In other words they know where they want to go but they don't mind how they get there.

Entrepreneurs that are making money online are willing to take risks.

They are not gamblers but when an offer comes their way they think "How much money can I make out of this?" The average person would be thinking "How much is this going to cost me?"

You have to be bold and understand that you will not win every time and therefore you have to understand that a loss is not the end of the world. It is a learning experience.

Entrepreneurs are not afraid of rejection. They see rejection as another learning opportunity in using creative problem solving thinking to get around the obstacle.

Entrepreneurs have excellent time management skills.

They seem to be doing the work of ten people but it is just that they know what they have to get done and they refuse to be distracted. They also acknowledge that wasted time is gone forever.

Time management also includes the ability to break down the large goals that we have as internet marketers into small manageable increments.

Thus the thought of reaching the goal of 100 leads a day looks improbable to the ordinary person but for the entrepreneur this is just a series of tasks that needs to be completed over a period of time. To think like this they have to have faith in themselves too.

They believe that they know what to do and are doing it. There is no doubt eating away at them and making the tasks burdensome to their minds.

Having said this though they also understand that it is people that they are dealing with and even if they are multi tasking they are always available to people because it is people who are their customers.

The entrepreneur defines their own vision of success without relying on the common view. They are not happy with the status quo and are driven by their own desire to succeed. they are willing to take risks and they have massive amounts of self confidence in what they are doing.

They can break down large tasks into small components but entrepreneurs never loose sight of who the customers are and they are always there for the customer wearing a smile and a positive frame of mind.

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