Friday, March 25, 2011

Real Estate - The Real Wealth

Two years ago my mum had a little bickering with a neighbor. Apparently, my mum was trying to cajole this neighbor to quit his drinking and smoking habit since these two activities were very harmful to his health. This man went haywire! He thought my mum was trying to bring his name to disrepute by giving him such advice. "What do you take me for", he angrily voiced out. "Do you think you are better than me? After all, what do you use your money for? Don't you just waste your money buying lands and building houses?", he ignorantly teased my mum but at the same time very infuriated.

All the other neighbors who were watching on busted into laughter at such level of ignorance exhibited by this drunkard. You see, he did not know the value and real wealth in real estate. To him, spending money on liabilities was more valuable than buying real assets like real estate.

Real estate is the real wealth. Most rich people all over the world know that, no matter what they invest in, their primarily wealth determiner lies in the extent of their real estate wealth. For example, Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald's, though known throughout the world to be in the most successful hamburger business, is actually in the real estate business. Today, McDonald's is the largest single owner of real estate in the world and even owns some of the most priceless intersections and street corners in America, as well as in other parts of the world. What a great wealth he possesses!

To the rich, land and property is the substantiation or the validation of their wealth. The wealth of a rich person's real estate defines his value. Real estate is very important because it is the only form of earthly wealth that never loses its value. Real wealth is in the land and properties. It is therefore not surprising that it is called "real" estate. Most other wealth are not "real" wealth because they are wiped out by economic depression or natural disaster. No matter what the economy does, land never loses its value. The longer you own it, the more it increases its value. It actually grows in price even during difficult times. Real estate is the actual asset that ensures opulence for yourself and your future generations. Everything else fades away too easily. It only takes one collision, and your expensive Mercedes Benz car loses its value.

Rich people know that when they own the land they really control great wealth. A rich person is as rich as his real estate. Land, since time in memorial has been used to measure real wealth and blessing. It is those who are smart that goes after land. Many people think that it is only extremely rich people who build houses. I advise people who want to prosper to build houses. If you want to be a millionaire, I will say to you, "build a house and never stop having building projects for the rest of your life." If you already have a personal home, I will advice you to build another home.

There are two groups of people in this world. The first group accumulates this wealth wisely by building houses and investing in real estate. This group is often not outwardly remarkable. The other group squanders the wealth, basically having a good time. These people impress everyone by driving expensive cars, flying all over the world, and wearing designer clothing. With time, it is the home builders who often end up truly wealthy and capable of giving effortlessly to any worthy project.

However, the "the squanders of wealth" who were not prepared to sacrifice to build often end up broke and devastated in life. Real estate or property is a type of investment. It appreciates in value everyday. It represents the accumulation of all your wealth.Money is not the essential element to building a house. The key to building a house is wisdom - practical wisdom.

Are you a builder or a user? Builders put up and construct things in their lifetime. Users simply enjoy the facilities that have been created by others. The users pay the builders to enjoy their works. Thus, the users make the builders rich, very rich. Do not build apartments in your stomach! There is more to life than eating, drinking and making merry, for you may not die tomorrow! Do you know that you may live for many years and need the accumulated wealth of your better years? A wise person sacrifices to build something!

When you look around, you will notice that those who are wealthy and established later in life have all built houses. Being a builder makes you a more substantial person. Go for real wealth!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess you'd like to change the color of your background, or maybe the font color. To be totally honest, it's so tiny and 'put offish' (if there's anything like that). I'll also have to confess, I couldn't read your articles at all - didn't want to strain my eyes. I guess you'd get more readers and comments if you make this little correction.