Monday, October 19, 2009

Five Things Successful Online Marketers Have in Common

Successful online marketers have rarely just fallen into their wealth. They have defined a different set of rules for themselves to the rest of the population and they have worked extremely hard at making money online and becoming successful home based online business entrepreneurs.

The common denominator though is that they are not happy with the status quo. They accept where they are but then want to move beyond it to their own definition of success.

Successful online business entrepreneurs are tough on principle but soft on procedure. In other words they know where they want to go but they don't mind how they get there.

Entrepreneurs that are making money online are willing to take risks.

They are not gamblers but when an offer comes their way they think "How much money can I make out of this?" The average person would be thinking "How much is this going to cost me?"

You have to be bold and understand that you will not win every time and therefore you have to understand that a loss is not the end of the world. It is a learning experience.

Entrepreneurs are not afraid of rejection. They see rejection as another learning opportunity in using creative problem solving thinking to get around the obstacle.

Entrepreneurs have excellent time management skills.

They seem to be doing the work of ten people but it is just that they know what they have to get done and they refuse to be distracted. They also acknowledge that wasted time is gone forever.

Time management also includes the ability to break down the large goals that we have as internet marketers into small manageable increments.

Thus the thought of reaching the goal of 100 leads a day looks improbable to the ordinary person but for the entrepreneur this is just a series of tasks that needs to be completed over a period of time. To think like this they have to have faith in themselves too.

They believe that they know what to do and are doing it. There is no doubt eating away at them and making the tasks burdensome to their minds.

Having said this though they also understand that it is people that they are dealing with and even if they are multi tasking they are always available to people because it is people who are their customers.

The entrepreneur defines their own vision of success without relying on the common view. They are not happy with the status quo and are driven by their own desire to succeed. they are willing to take risks and they have massive amounts of self confidence in what they are doing.

They can break down large tasks into small components but entrepreneurs never loose sight of who the customers are and they are always there for the customer wearing a smile and a positive frame of mind.

Do you know that you can earn great money by predictiing the outcome of football matches not regarding the scoreline.

To mark my mother birthday, I am giving out My ebook on football trading free of charge to the first 50 people to call.

To get yours, call Goodness on 08053081804

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Best Ways to Make Money Today

Most of us in today's economy would like to make some extra money on our own schedule. Unfortunately, sometimes making money involves spending some to get started. With a bit of ingenuity, we can avoid start-up costs and still make a bit of extra money. Usually what you're offering is your time or physical labor that someone can't or doesn't want to do.

House-, pet- or person-sitting

What the employer is asking for is your time. For house-sitting, you live in, or regularly check out the house and grounds, making sure all the utilities are in working order or turned off and that security hasn't been compromised in any way. Some small tasks may be involved, like picking up the mail, picking up blown trash in the yard; making the house looked 'lived in'.

Pet-sitting is more intensive, caring for the needs of the pets. Once, twice or more feeding, cleaning, walking, etc.. The frequency of care will depend on the type of pets and the owner's desires. Person-sitting, children or the elderly, is the most demanding, and may depend upon prior experience or some training.


Home or facility cleaning, whether on your own or working for an agency. Begin small, by offering friends or family your cleaning services. Cleaning your own home can be a guide. If you don't know how to start, there are many online resources that can help you find quick, reliable, professional cleaning methods. Don't think you have to pay for a program; all the relevant information is free.
Yard Services

Most people who need help with lawn care don't require a person with a degree, just a strong back to replace theirs. Start in your neighborhood and gain a good reputation by showing up promptly and completing the necessary tasks. By word-of-mouth recommendation, you'll soon have more work than you can handle.

Need any help call Goodness 08053081804

Discover the easiest way to making money through football trading. To get the complete ebook call Goodness on 08053081804 or send an SMS with ur NAME, NUMBER, AND THE WORD TRADING.

Why Most People Will Never Make Real Money on the Internet - The Number 1 Reason

Can you believe that 9 out of 10 people who try to make money online fail? This is a very scary but true fact. This is the very fact that keeps people like you from achieving their goal of making money from the internet.

Let me ask you this, what if you knew the number I reason why 95% of those that attempt to make some serious cash online never do?

Would you avoid this mistake and become one of those 5% that do make money online?

Well, the decision will be yours because I am going to share with you the most common reason why people fail when it comes to earning cash online.

Most people fail because they do not take action!

I know that seems pretty simple and you may be thinking to yourself that I'm not talking about you because you take action.

But do you really take action?

The truth is, a lot of people read a bunch of articles ad buy even more money making programs, but they rarely put what they have learned to actual use.

Many people get fooled into thinking that all they have to do is buy some sort of course that teaches you how to make money online and presto, money will just appear in their bank accounts. Then when the money just doesn't magically appear they claim that the course was a "rip off".

Listen, most money making programs do provide the information needed to make a real income online. Of course some courses are better then others. You must understand that no money making program is going to work if you do not put in a real 110% effort using it.

Reading informative articles and buying courses is only the first step. The second step is taking action.

"Believe me", making money online can be done!

Just remember that you must be determined and willing to put in some work. Once you understand these things you will realize that the skies the limit when it comes to making a real income on the internet.

want to know some quick and fast online business then click here

Need any help, then call Goodness 08053081804

How I Became a Full Time Online Entrepreneur From Scratch

My experience in trying to learn how to do business online wasn't actually as pleasant and enjoying as a comfortable walk in the park would be for anyone. Believe me, I had my own share of struggles and sacrifices at first. However, because of my strong desire to really quit my day job and just create a consistent flow of income from the very comfort of my home someday, I was very willing to endure the long hours of study and countless other sacrifices I had to undertake in order to achieve my goal.

So, did I finally succeed in my endeavor to becoming an online entrepreneur and create a consistent & full time living from home someday? You bet I did. Although I don't believe in luck really, after only barely more than a year - I got what most would call a "lucky break" already. But I'm sure you would like to know what steps have I actually gone through to achieve such goal and how?

Here is my story.

The very first venture I took and experimented with which actually became an eye opener for me later on in my entire pursuit to create income online was none other than eBay. However, it did not take long for me to realize that this method of making money on the internet wasn't really for me but it did introduce me to a product that will spark the whole idea of how to really create an income online for me. This product was a package consisting of hundreds of ebooks teaching several different topics on how to make money online and how to market any product, business, or website on the internet.

The first significant step I took towards my online success was to actually buy that ebook product. I can still recall very well how too novice I was to the whole internet industry and the very nature of how to do any kind of business online. I started reading every ebook that was included in the package. It was very exhausting for me as I felt I was racing against time since I very badly wanted to start earning an income to prove to my self that this goal was very much achievable and the other reason was that so I could immediately recover my small investment for buying that product which was actually a big amount for me already at that time.

The first topic that caught my interest amongst the several ebooks that were inside that package was how to make money using Google's AdSense program. So I began researching on how to own a website which then lead me to building my first ever website. Having my own website later on introduced me to other ways of making money online including earning from affiliate programs.

Little did I know that after learning all that, I would now face the hardest part of the entire process which was the challenge of promoting my website. However, I knew at that moment that I was slowly but surely heading on towards my goal inch by inch as day goes by.

If you search the topic about promoting a website, you will find several different methods out there. I actually did try almost every proven method. But there is only one internet marketing method that I have proven effective and remains to be the main source of traffic for my websites - and that is the method of ranking my websites on top of the search engine pages.

Discover the fastest way of making money through football trading. Very simple straigfht and fast. Require no start up capital.if you want to but the complete ebook on football trading then call Goodness on 08053081804

Learn How to Earn Extra Income Selling Products

Are you tired of not making money? You have probably come across tons of online schemes that promise to make you money, but that never actually happens. There are probably hours and hours that you have wasted by joining all kinds of get rich quick schemes and make money online schemes. To earn extra income selling products might sound impossible.

Well there is one product that you can rely on to get you the results that you desire to each extra income selling. It is proven and works because of a specific formula that has been developed from affiliate marketing.

So, how does it work? Well the first thing you have to understand is that to earn extra income selling you have to actually do some work. There are no get rich quick promises or guarantees that you can make money without doing anything. You will have to do some work, but the trick is, that you will work smarter not harder.

There are already so many people making money from affiliate marketing and this method is proven to get you money by promoting someone else's product. Now the best way to benefit from this affiliate marketing scheme and to earn extra income selling is to actually get people to your website first to get the sales.

If you are an affiliate, but the search results from the search engines lead people directly to the main website you are losing out. An easier way to get money is to earn extra income selling in a clever way. You can do this by making use of a secret that web masters all over the world use.

It is something so simple and so effective if done correctly. It will improve your affiliate selling dramatically and give you the results that you want in no time. Anyone can do it and it is something that is not too time consuming.

Need and assistant then call Goodness on 08053081804

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

How to Sell Digital Products

There is always a great lucrative business to be found online. Internet marketing has grown to be a major industry that any given time, millions of people are trying to sell a specific product or service through various means on the Internet. One of the most popular formats of products they offer are digital products because these are very much easier to distribute and send to the customers. So if you are thinking of joining the ranks of other successful Internet marketers, here are some tips you can follow on how to sell digital products effectively and with less cost.

1. Conduct an efficient pay per click campaign.

Pay per click ad campaigns are still among the most effective means to gather potential clients as well as spread the word about your products. If you can properly conduct a keyword research and find the best keywords with best or most affordable click rates, you can minimize your costs on your pay per click campaign while still gaining the benefits of running such a project.

2. You can sell your products on eBay or other related sites.

This type of website commands a great percentage of online buyers so it is always worth your while to be a part of it. You can open your own account and sell your digital products on these sites and the only costs you will incur are for your Internet connection, electricity bill and virtually nothing else more.

3. You can use forums to help market your products.

One of the most effective ways on how to sell digital products is through the use of forums. You just have to be very active in the forums that you choose to join so you will not be branded as merely a spammer. Offer your thoughts and help when people seek out for assistance on a problem you might know the solution to. Then occasionally you can mention the products you are selling and market these to the right forum audience.

4. Use free eBooks to help market your products.

Send out free eBooks that help inform people about your products or the benefits of using your products. People love to receive freebies and eBooks are one of the most popular giveaway items. When people find that your eBook is very helpful, they might be enticed to buy your product or spread the word about it. Then can also send copies of your eBook to their friends.

5. Make use of blogging to help promote your digital products.

One of the basics of online marketing on how to sell digital products is through the effective use of blogging. You can simply start with your own blogs and post a product review or two about your products on your own sites. This is most effective if you have high ranking and popular blogs. But if not, you can ask some of your blogging friends to make the reviews for you and post these reviews on their own sites. The word will surely spread out easily with their help.

Need any help call Goodness on 08053081804 or email

To me, football trading is one of the most easy and stress free way in making money online.
pay into any GTB

ACCT NAME: Adebo Usifo Goodness
ACCT NUMBER: 4214355851590

And sms your NAME, PHONE NUMBER, TELLER NUMBER, EMAIL ADDRESS to 08053081804 (+2348053081804)

Your product will be forwarded to after comfirmation.

Finding Perfect Work For Stay at Home

There are so many type of online works offered. My vote is "No" for such offers to work from home processing data, or work from home online surveys. Whenever I get these offers, I simply delete them. If you respond to any one of these mail, it will flood your email with similar offers.

The survey usually starts out with catchy offer like a free laptop, only to find that it prompts you to respond to pages after pages of inquiries from different advertisers, and if you respond with any reasonable yes to any offer to receive information, then again you will be flooded with unwanted emails. But more than likely you will receive more offers from different online survey offers to make money, and not from the advertisers. Isn't it ironic that I find one survey income system Domain is up for sale? Once you respond favorably to any of these types of offers, your name will be on the hit list, and you will receive more emails from unwanted advertisers.

So be careful. Use your due diligence to research on any type of work offered to make money online. One thing to make sure the email you received is not a spam. If no real person is found, it is a spam. If you find a person you cannot communicate with, it is more likely a scam.

Affiliate marketing can be a good alternative to find products you can sell online and make commission on each sale. First and foremost, you need to avoid any affiliate ask you for money upfront to get into their program. Their product will not sell, and they have already made money on you.

pay into any GTB

ACCT NAME: Adebo Usifo Goodness
ACCT NUMBER: 4214355851590

And sms your NAME, PHONE NUMBER, TELLER NUMBER, EMAIL ADDRESS to 08053081804 (+2348053081804)

Your product will be forwarded to after comfirmation.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

4 Tips to Start Internet Business Opportunities Successfully

The internet business opportunities, which means internet businesses, are operations, which must work in a heavy competition. The competition is the factor, which makes the market very tough, because there are so many talented marketers running their internet business ideas. So how can you succeed there?

1. Think Simply. Follow Those, Who Have Already Succeed.

Yes, this is the method I recommend to you, if you are about to start to run your new internet business opportunities. The first thing you have to do is to find out, who are the most successful marketers in the niche, where you would like to operate.

2. Specify, Why Do You Want To Start The Internet Business Opportunities.

Your answer cannot be, that you want to start an internet business, but it must be more specified. You have to explain to yourself, what kind of an internet business you want to build and to which target group. Try to figure out the customer promise with one short sentence. Brainstorm ideas about your chosen mediums and the contents. But make the final list to be very short one, because it is wise to learn one promotion way well.

3. If It Looks, That The Whole Start Is A Mess, Would You Be Willing To Work With A Mentor?

A mentor is simply a teacher, who can determine on which level you are, what kind of promotions fit to you and what steps you should take in the start. He will never do your work, the responsibility is totally yours, but he can direct your internet business opportunities to the correct route.

Usually the mentor is an experienced marketer and your sponsor. The financial interest is the gimmick, the motivation, which makes it reasonable to the mentor to use so much working hours with you. This could be a working method, because the internet marketing includes so much emotional things.

4. Start With A Respected And Long Term Affiliate Program.

A good sign is that the affiliate program has a lively discussion forum. Why? Because by reading posts, you get an idea about what kind of people are posting, what kind of topics there are and who are the opinion leaders, the real experts?

For a newbie, this kind of a forum is really valuable, because from there he can get help almost in real time, but it will be his mental supporter too. If a newbie succeed to get both a good mentor, which he can find from the forum, and join to the affiliate program, which has a forum plus lots of training material, he has the safe tools to start to run his internet business opportunities.

Friday, September 18, 2009

What to Do If You Aren't Making Any Affiliate Sales

Are you an internet marketing, also known as an affiliate? You might be, and if you are, you've probably asked this question before: What to do if you aren't making affiliate sales. It's a position every affiliate has been in at some point or another, and it's not the nicest place to be in the world.

You're giving it everything you've got, you're writing and publishing heaps of articles a day, you have all your websites up and running, your email list is building up nicely and your PPC accounts show a steady click-through rate.

YET, when you check your affiliate account, NADA, ZILCH, ZIP. There's nothing there! It's one of the worst feelings one can get. After all, you've braved the affiliate world in order to escape the world of the dreaded 'hours', yet even then you still got a paycheck at the end of the week. Now, you're putting in heaps of effort, and you aren't getting any rewards.

There are a couple of things to look for if you aren't making affiliate sales:

Firstly, make sure that your campaigns just aren't all advertisements. Something I hate is when I join an email list expecting information on something, and just getting email after email of sales pitch. In my own inbox! This applies to whatever your doing on the internet as well, make sure that your websites give more then they take. Building trust with your customers will equal cash, but it does take a bit more time to implement. It's worth it though.

Secondly, consider your audience. Are you promoting the wrong angle? You could well be. Making sure you understand your customers is important. Are you promoting 'making money'? That's dangerous. What are your customers looking for when they search for 'making money'. These searchers don't want to buy, they're just looking for information! Promoting a specific product under 'review' 'buy' or 'opinion' means that your customer is potentially going to buy the product.

Thirdly, DON'T GIVE UP! This is the biggest one. KEEP WORKING AT IT! I don't like writing in all caps, but I think it is necessary. You are not going to become filthy rich by writing a few articles and putting up a website. You need to keep working at it, because those sales will come. It's a matter of time, but you'll get there. You will!

Good luck!

for help email me on or call +2348053081804, +2347032973204

How Can an Affiliate Make Marketing Money - Learn How to Earn!

Are you an affiliate trying to make marketing money? Are you having an easy time, or are you finding it difficult? Perhaps you are putting the cart before the horse. Keep reading and I will explain.

If you're new or struggling in the internet marketing business, or even if you're already established, you may be looking for a good affiliate marketing business to supplement your income. If you already know how to do this, then you will know what I'm talking about. However, if you're still yet to make your first dollar, you may want to take notice.

The point here is that you probably got into this to make some money. If you're like me, I always wanted to do this, but I was always too busy to try it. Then the economy went bad, and I lost my job, so I came here with a renewed sense of urgency. I was actually lucky enough to find another job, but I wasn't making as much as I was before, so now I sat in front of my computer with a lot of motivation. However, as I would soon find out, this would actually hurt me more than help.

The reason for this is that money was playing too big a part in my decision making. You may be saying, what is he talking about. Well, what I mean is that I was wanting to make money so badly, that I was not making clear decisions. And I was not making good decisions because I had no idea what I was doing. I spent a good deal of money foolishly.

I've written a few other articles on this if you want to know more about it. The point is, I learned the hard way that, in the beginning, how much money I make is the last thing I need to be concerned with. Unless I take the time to learn how to do this, I will never make a dime. And, the more I worried about the money I wasn't making, the more desperate I became, and that's when I spent even more money on things that I had no idea what they were.

I'm not saying there aren't good things to spend money on. There are definitely some good tools, and good programs to get involved with. However, even if you're involved with something that's good, you may have no idea how good it is because you don't know what to do. If someone tries to tell you all you need to do is put up a great website selling a very much in demand product, I would say to be skeptical because unless you know how to bring people to it that want to buy it, it will probably be as if you had no website at all.

for more info email me on or call +2348053081804

Friday, September 11, 2009

4 Effective Tips to Affiliate Marketing Beginners

If you're like me, you may want to earn a huge extra income from any sources - the best is from the internet. Internet Money Making is true provided with the right information that can guide you to the correct steps that you should take. There is millions of information in the internet about making money online, however it's like connecting the dots.

For your information internet money making is achievable by affiliate marketing system. It is a system where a company or a product owner accepts affiliate and a person signs-up as an affiliate, promotes the product and receives a percentage of commission after making a sale. It is a win-win situation for both parties because it is centered in revenue sharing system. Here's basic information you should know:

Choose a Niche - it's the foundation of your work. You should choose a target category or market that you want to dedicate your future work mostly you start with what you love to do and what you already know, hobbies or what you are passionate about examples are relationships, health, money, business and etc. Your affiliate products that you are going to promote would be related to this. It is very easy to write something you already know
Choose Products with great percentage of commission - don't accept less than 50% commission rate and don't accept less than $20. Your break-even should be $20.
Gather great information and be willing to learn more. Don't invest unless you are confident about your knowledge.
Internet Money Making through Affiliate Marketing System is not an overnight wealth and there's no such thing as instant wealth in the internet. If there is, those are definitely scams. You have to work for it and it takes at least 3 weeks to 3 months to get your first income. But it's all worth it.
Need any help, just mail me on

Need a job CLICK HERE.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Learn Some Facts About Affiliate Marketing

Most people have careers that they don't necessarily enjoy. They get up each and every morning and head to work, some spending long hours at the office. They never seem to get ahead and the days just seem to drag on. They dream of a life where they make their own hours earning an income they can be proud of and spending their days as they please.

This seems to be the reason so many people are now turning to the internet and affiliate marketing so that they can make some extra income. Affiliate marketing has been responsible for billions of dollars worth of revenue and much of that is centered around the holiday season. If you are also considering trying your hand at affiliate marketing, there are a few facts you should know before getting started.

The Initial Decision:
Choosing affiliate marketing and making that initial decision to begin is an important step. When starting any type of business it will take time, dedication, determination, desire, effort, money and faith to succeed. Affiliate marketing is no different. There will be times when you are tired and don't want to do the work. But you are the one that is ultimately responsible for the outcome and the results.

On the up side there will be times when the money is coming in on a regular basis and you are excited and thrilled at the results. It's really important that you keep those times in mind so that you can continue to move forward even when you get discouraged. When you have the faith that you will succeed, never give up because there will be both good and bad times associated with this business.

Get the Education:
Without the proper education and training, it will be very difficult to figure this out all on your own. By purchasing a course or joining a community that will teach you all the steps involved is crucial to your success. You wouldn't get hired for a position without knowing how to do the job itself. When you have the skills to succeed in that particular position, you will do a much better job and advance up the corporate ladder. Affiliate marketing is no exception.

Invest in Your Business:
What's great about affiliate marketing is that you can start with little to no investment. But over time as you continue to learn and grow your business, you will want to build your own website and your own list. There is an investment involved but as the saying goes, "it takes money to make money". This business is no different. When you take the time to build your own website and your own list, you can continue to promote other products to your list and make even more money over time. This is a smart business move and one you will want to consider as time goes on.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money and to build a successful business online. It does take time and patience before you will start seeing any type of steady income. With any other type of business, it takes consistency of doing the work each and every day. This is a great way to earn extra income or build your business up to a full time income. As long as you have the desire to succeed, the faith that you can make this into a prosperous business and the willingness to continue learning, you will have success.

for more info contact Goodness on +2348053081804

Benefits and Advantages of Starting an Affiliate Marketing Business

What I love about this affiliate business is how it fits so perfectly into my hectic life. It can be started part time, there's no products to pack and ship either. I don't even have to collect money as the merchants process payments. I just get paid and fast at that.

One of the top benefits that you will experience when choosing an affiliate program is that there are numerous programs available in which you do not have to make any purchases to get started. These programs allow you to sign up and simply market the services and/or products that their website has to offer to the general public and if one of those services and/or products sell, then you make a profit. Profits in affiliate programs are identified as "Commissions

The average affiliate program will offer a commission of 10% all the way up to 75%! There are many successful marketing techniques that can be used online in order to "get the word out" about the items that you are trying to sell. Successful individuals have been using these strategies successfully for years and most of them confirm the fact that the commissions that they receive from sales in affiliate programs is much higher than they made while working in the workforce.

The next advantage associated with an affiliate program is that you can implement the use of social networking in order to market the services and/or products that your program specializes in. This is a great way to attract an "audience". Implementing the use of websites like MySpace, Twitter, Squidoo, Facebook, and even YouTube for video marketing can help you develop a following of individuals. While this may not seem like too much of a benefit, it is in that one of the most crucial elements to selling successfully on the internet is to acquire trust among potential consumers.

It is also important to exhibit your knowledge on the services and/or products that you advertise, as well as all things related to those services and products. Plus, millions upon millions of individuals implement the use of social networking websites on a daily basis to connect to others. In the end, you are likely to attract targeted traffic, or traffic of people who are actually seeking the services and/or products that you have to offer!

The next benefit of becoming involved in an affiliate program is the overall popularity that you will create for yourself on the internet. By using marketing techniques such as article marketing campaigns, video marketing strategies, social network marketing, and similar endeavors, the link to your affiliate program will place higher in search engines. If you specialize in "ebook creation", for example, and have links placed all over the internet, when someone targets the keyword "ebook creation", your link is likely to appear on the first page of search results, and possibly even in the first place of the first page. This will assist in helping you create the success that you require and want financially! There are many benefits to becoming involved in affiliate programs, give it a shot for yourself!

There are many benefits of becoming associated with an affiliate program. In today's failing economy, individuals around the nation are losing their jobs on a daily basis. Many of these individuals are losing their jobs due to businesses closing their doors. Others are experiencing layoffs due to financial distress within the company that they work for. Then, there are those that are terminated. Self-employment is starting to become extremely popular among the public - specifically those who have experienced the devastation of job loss.

Many of the individuals that seek self-employment turn towards the internet for opportunities. While there are many programs that pay to take surveys and similar tasks. Opportunities in affiliate programs are the most promising when it comes to financial success.

To know all what it takes to start an affiliate marketing and make your first dollars within 24 hours guaranteed, order for an ebook on affiliate marketing by sending YOUR NAME, PHONE NUMBER, STATE,and the word AFFILIATE MARKETING EBOOK TO +2347032973204.If you do not receive any reply within 24hrs, send the message again. 0R CALL Goodness on +2348053081804.

Wishin you all the best.

Friday, July 24, 2009


I know that the major problem of paying for goods and for any international order is the inability to get a good credit card. But the good news here today is that you can now get your own Credit card here in Nigeria. To do this, there are two methods. The first method is:
Through the use of VIRTUAL TERMINAL NETWORK and GRAPH CARD. Virtual terminal network is in Nigeria and operated in Naira. They work in collaboration with Graph card in the U.S.A which brings up a relationship between them. If you can just follow the steps that are highlighted below, then you will be on your way to success.

- Log on to which is in Nigeria and sign up for free.
- Also log on to www.Graphcard .com and sign up for free using the same information you use in registering for virtual terminal like Name, Email address, E.t.c.
- The next step is to fund your account with virtual terminal. There are two ways in doing this. You can either fund the account with the use of an Agent or by paying into their UBA account. I will advice you pay into the UBA account which can be found in Make sure you add extra money when funding the account because some few amount will be deducted as charges.’ Hope you do not expect they will be helping you get a Credit card for free. But there is nothing to worry about because their charges are very minute’.
- After paying the money, Just go to the site, click add fund and confirm bank deposit.
- Put in the amount you paid without a comma. For example, if you deposited ten thousand naira. Just type in the figure like this: 10000 then put in the date and teller number. Your payment will be confirmed within 24hrs. Usually does not take up to 24hrs.
- After your payment have been confirmed, go to your Graph card account, Click add fund. You will be asked if you are from Nigeria, confirm, put in your e-mail address and password. Your information’s will be processed and charges will be deducted then your money will reflect.
- The final step is to click on create Visa account on your www.graphcard .com account, pick the required amount you want to be on your visa card like $10, $20 ......... depending on the amount you use in funding the account or the amount you want to be on the Visa card, follow the remaining processes and submit or confirm.
- Within 7days, the visa card number and other information’s will be sent to your to your e-mail. Usually it does not take up to 7days. They do send it within 24hrs.

The steps are very simple and straight forward.

Coming up next on this site is the second method of getting a Credit card without having to leave your country and lots of important informations you will need for your internet business.


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Wishing all the best in your pursuit for wealth.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Blogging Secrets Revealed - 3 Secrets to Quick Blogging Success on the Web

You can easily hope to regulate a regular source of income through your blogs. If you want to benefit from your blog, you simply need to monetize your efforts in the right direction. Listed below are a few blogging tips that would help you in achieving instant success.
1. Strategize Your Marketing Goals
Blogging tips suggest that you need to keep on updating your blogs on a regular basis. By adding informative posts on a regular basis, you are providing your visitors to go through fresh content on a daily basis. Once the traffic to your blog increases, you have the advantage of monetizing your blog to achieve a regular source of income. Hence, the first step is to market your blog and get traffic on a regular basis.
2. Allow Comments On Your Blog
Blogging tips also suggest that you continue to add comments to your blog on a regular basis. If you want to earn a steady flow of income from your blog, you would need to allow people to leave their links on your homepage. By doing this, you would be able to generate a steady cash flow. You do this by charging a monthly income from your merchants.
3. Connect Your Blog To Your Website
It is interesting to note that a blog can drive high quality traffic to your website. If in case you have a blog, then you need to link it to your website. One blogging tip to instant success is to create an affiliate website and then drive traffic towards it by linking the site to your blog. For example, you need to write a post and then place a link to your website on that post. Whenever your readers would click that link, they would be automatically directed to your website.

Wishing you all the best

Build Upon a Blog Community by jay ukey

Often most newbie bloggers face a common dilemma of diverting traffic to their blogs. They get visibly disappointed; thereby losing interest in blogging. I've personally come across many such bloggers. The common complaint I get is that of less traffic.
When I asked a few bloggers about their blogging experience, they said that they regularly published their posts, at least once in two days; sometimes even every day. But still fell short of expectations. After about 2 months of hard work, they said the visitor count on their blogs didn't show any noticeable change.
The common mistake the newbie bloggers today do is that they do not build upon a community. They fail to understand that building online relationships with fellow bloggers is the most viable option. Being a regular poster is a good thing. However when the posts are not shared or commented upon, they do not receive a higher Google ranking.
Diverting traffic to the blogs is in the bloggers' hands. Just as new posts are published on ones blogs, bloggers need to post comments on other blogs too. The comment should not be a random one or hastily written. One should post a relevant comment to a blogpost. A wise blogger would first read a blogpost, understand its contents and then post a comment relevant to the blogpost. If a blogger would consistently comment on other blogs for at least 2 months, he would start receiving comments on his own blog; thus building a community of his own.
Commenting is no doubt a good approach for building a relationship. However it may not be the only option.
For help fell free to contact me on

Blogging Tips - Building a Blog Network by Steven Wagenheim

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Blogs are big and here to stay. Of that, there is no argument. However, just putting up a blog on the Internet is no guarantee that anybody is going to see it. You need to generate traffic to your blog. Problem is, that's easier said than done and getting your blog up the SERPs is no easy chore. However, by building a blog network, you can get all your blogs up the SERPs rather easily. This article explains how.
Probably the best way to illustrate this is with an example. Let's say that you wanted to create a blog network revolving around the rock group "The Beatles." Now, putting up just one blog would probably not get you very far in the SERPs without a lot of work. After all, this is one very popular group with a lot of sites out there. However, what if we built a network of blogs around the group itself? How can we do this? The next paragraph gives some ideas.
How about we start off with a main Beatles blog. This one would go into a brief history of the Fab 4. Maybe include a listing of all their albums and singles that they released. Then, we could put up some supporting blogs. For example, we could have a blog for each member of the Beatles; Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. And then (this is the key) at each supporting blog, you have a link pointing to the main or mother blog. This way, you develop your network. Naturally, you would have links from the main blog to each of the supporting ones.
You could further expand on this. You could have a blog that has nothing but all their songs listed along with lyrics. You could have a blog that has nothing but videos of the Beatles. You could have yet another blog that goes into their personal lives, such as who they each were married to. You could have still another time line blog where you go through all the important dates in their history, such as song releases, concerts and so on.
Do you see where I am going with this? There are a number of specialty blogs that you could put up that all relate, in some way, to the mother blog. Linking them all together, you will eventually have one powerful network going for you.

Yes, this does involve quite a bit of work, but in the long run, it will pay off big time if you do it correctly.
To YOUR Success for any help fell free to contact me on

How to Make Money With Your Blog

This article is to show new and advanced bloggers how to make money with a blog.
How do you start a blog?
This is not hard. There are over 15 million blogs in cyberspace as we speak so it can not be that hard.
How much does it cost to blog?
There are many free services that allow you to start building a blog such as Blogger and Wordpress. I recommend using one of the free services to get a beginner idea and feel for blogging while playing around and moving things here and there to test. Now, if you are interested in making money with a blog, you will eventually need a self hosted account which is not that expensive usually around $9.99. This way, you look and have a more professional feel.

How to Get a Blogging Platform?
If you are just want to make some extra cash from your blog, try these options. But if you are really serious about eventually retiring from that horrible 9-5 job, I strongly recommend self-hosting your blog (We will get into this later..). - Blogger is my first choice to start out. It is so easy, a 10 year old can use it and actually understand it. Now, there are limitations to what you can and cannot do here because it is owned by Google. It is, however, Free. - This is completely free, not that hard to set up, you can customize many things but like blogger, there are limitations as well. - Same as Wordpress com BUT this is where you get the self-hosting and your options are basically limitless. You are now free to roam around the cabin. lol.
Setting up a self-hosted blog
*skip this section if you are using any of the above methods*
I am sure you are serious enough to make money about blogging and are searching for the top way to arrange your blogs look and personality, then getting a self-hosted blog from Wordpress org is your best option. Wordpress is the number one choice for most bloggers. It does require a little work and does cost something: domain name purchase ($10/year) blog hosting ($10/month).
A gigantic advantage is that you can use your own personal domain name.
Choose a Domain Name
1. You should start by purchasing a domain name. GoDaddy is a great site to start. I would recommend going to for a .com rather than a .org. Most people today are more familiar with .com than anything else.
2. Choose a host for your blog
A web host is the site that you pay to keep all of your files in one place for your blog. Similar to a container holding onto your personal items in storage. There are many hosting companies out there. Choose wisely.
I recommend to go with larger companies who are more known for doing just this. They may be a bit more but at least you know you probably will not have a problem with them and getting in touch will not be hard if need be.
Affiliate Marketing and what it is
A great example of an affiliate marketer: There are millions of products. When you surf the net and see many photos and pictures of products, 9 out of 10 times, they are being sold and promoted through an affiliate marketer. Simply put, when someone clicks on that image, goes to the site where it is being sold, decides right then and there to purchase it, the affiliate marketer gets a commission for the sale. Sometimes it can be anywhere from $5.00 to $100.00 or even more. There are a thousands of Affiliate programs, Clickbank, Commission Junction, and Markethealth. MarketHealth by far is my favorite and has made me tons of money. Very easy to get going there. (Click on the link above and get started)
Does it take to make money from a blog?
This depends on your dedication and how hungry you are.
When I first started out, I knew nothing about blogging. Zero. I studied my butt off and searched all over the Internet for "help me do this" guides. Now days, things are easier to understand and there are tons of free blog tools and software to get you going. If you build it, they will come. But, if you build it and do nothing afterwards and sit on your butt expecting a parade of traffic to arrive, you will be very disappointed and they "will NOT come".
Blogging involves work but can be very rewarding if you follow some simple tactics and apply them. In time, when your blog becomes more popular, that is when you start to see the money coming in. If you are expecting to make a million dollars overnight from day one of your new blog, stop reading here now. Remember, this is not the lottery.
You have to build up traffic and members thus giving you higher page rank where big engine sites like Google, MSN and Yahoo will notice your blog and reward you by placing you higher and closer to the top. that is when things get interesting.
What do I do and Where do I start?
The first thing I would do is write a few well written articles about what ever your topic is and post them right away. Get the ball rolling.
Join many directories
If I were starting a brand new blog, the first thing I would do is Google the topic I want to blog about adding "directory" as well into the search bar. A nice list of web directories about my topic will show up. Here are a few to get you started with.
* Blogcatalog com ( This is my Number One Choice !!! )
* Blogflux com
* DMOZ org
* Yahoo Directory
Commenting on Blogs
One of the greatest ways for new blogs to get almost immediate traffic is by commenting on other blogs with the same topic or niche as yours. Always comment about useful things that can contribute. Never spam with just links to your site.
People do not like this and the odds are your comment will be deleted or worse, you will be banned from that directory so be careful at what you say. The blogging community is generally a very social community and those who are active in the community often receive the good traffic they are looking for.
Commenting on Forums
Similar to Commenting on blogs, You can find a forum that pertains to your subject only and comment away. I find that BlogCatalog is a great forum as well as the Warrior forum.
Article submission sites
Submit your articles to top article submission sites. These sites collect articles and most allow a link back to your blog. Here are a few good ones I use always.
* EzineArticles
* goarticles
* articledashboard
* articlecity
SEO tips for new bloggers
It will take some time to get a good amount of traffic from the search engines. The search engines like more established sites that have a lot of people linking to them already. It is very important to get good links from other sites so that search engines will notice your blog.
Be patient. In time your blog will grow.
What is SEO ?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) are methods and tricks on getting your web site or blog to the top of the search engine listings. I could go on and on forever on this topic but for now, just stick with what we have talked about. If you are eager to SEO your site, type in "SEO help for bloggers" in the search bar and there will be plenty of articles and blogs to check this out.
If you do these steps the right way, you will be in a better place than most people who do not know a single thing about SEO.
1. The Title Tags
In my opinion, this is the most important part of SEO. The title of your web site is what web surfers will see when they are looking for a particular thing. If you have a lousy title for your site or article, then most likely, the reader will pass onto the next best thing.
2. The Anchor Text
Anchor text tells the search engines what other sites your site is about. Google really places a lot of importance on anchor text.
3. Keywords
Keywords are vitally important. Simply put, when someone types in the search bar what they are looking for, and something comes up, it is the keywords that they have used that pulls up the content of the page. If your site is about "Changing Baby Diapers" and people typed in some of those words, there is a great chance that your page will be listed but if you choose keywords that are irrelevant to your site, no chance.
4. Links
Try and exchange links with other similar sites. You may have to add someone else link to your blog but if they do the same, then all is well. This is a way to get more traffic. You want to be noticed right? .
5. Write articles people want and are searching for.
Try to reach out to other bloggers rather than trying to sell them something right away. Build a trusting fan base first before jumping into selling everyone in the world your affiliate products.
6. Add A Google search bar to your site.
Google is the King of search. By adding this, you will help your visitors find the information that they are looking for on your site and hopefully make some money in the process.
Install Google Analytics
This is an amazing statistics tool that will help you keep track of your visitors and analyze a lot of data about them.
Google Keyword Tool
This is the best FREE tool to get ideas about popular keywords.
Add A Feed to Your Blog
Feedburner is my first choice here. you will want to burn a feed to allow others to quickly see updated posts and info on your blog.
Most of all,Have fun !
Even though this article is about helping those who want to make money with a blog, I also realize that many people forget about the fun part of blogging. They get caught up in the technical aspects of SEO and Html etc.. One of the best things to do if you are just starting out is have some fun and play around. Make use of many of the free blog tools out there and experiment. You will make mistakes along the way but you will learn.
If you stick with the basics, I know that you will make money with your blog as long as you do not quit. There will be times of frustration along the way. Take a break, do something else, read a book about something entirely different, exercise...
then come back to your blog and start where you left off.

For help feel free to contact Goodness on or call +2347032973204

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Friday, July 17, 2009

Fifteen Creative Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

Once you have got your blog up and running you might think that you can sit back and relax. You have your niche market coming back religiously for more. But, then as days pass you realize that there aren't any comments and the traffic is not what you had visualized it to have been.
Blogs also need to be promoted, visibility created just as any other website. Listed beneath are some tried and tested tips to generate more traffic in the direction of your blog.
• The very first thing that you must do is to set up Bloglet Subscription whereby everyone that you know can subscribe to it. You can reach out to as many people as you know starting from family to ending with your acquaintances.
• Secondly, set up a feed on other search engines so that your blog gets regularly spidered by the other search engines.
• It is a world of, you scratch my back and in turn I scratch yours. Go on to read and comment on other people's blogs as then they will go on to comment on yours. If you leave useful and relevant comments along with a link to your blog. The person who reads the comment is bound to come back to your blog to read further.
• You could use Ping-o-matic directories to ping every time that you publish your blog.
• You could try the traditional method of putting up your blog on search engines.
• You could also try and submit your blog to other blog directories. You can track your submissions on a daily basis. It will be time consuming but ultimately worth the effort.
• Adding a link to your blog with your email signature will be beneficial too
• Ensure that every page of your website has a link to your blog. This way it will serve a dual purpose.
• Same is the case with published newsletters. See to it that it has a link embedded to your blog.
• All the marketing and promotional material that you send out must have a link to your blog. This will include all the letters, reports and papers.
• The business cards, banners and brochures must have the blog URL printed prominently on it.
• Your blog must have an RSS fed URL that your readers can subscribe to. RSS feeds come in various options so go ahead and select the best one suited for your needs.
• Do not let your content turn stagnant. Ensure that you keep the content alive by posting as often as possible.
• Use Track back to make certain that you know if someone has posted a link to your blog. The best part is that the link for your blog will be a part of that site henceforth.
• Follow self discipline and focus. Keep aside at least some time in the day to post on your blog.
This kind of dedication and nurturing of your blog will certainly show results for you.

if you need any assistance, feel free to contact me on,,


How to Start a Blog and Make Money

So you want to know how to start a blog and make money online? You may not even know it but you are thinking in the direction that is probably the fastest growing segment of money makers in the world today.
There are so many approaches you can take when learning how to start a blog and make money on the internet.
There are many bloggers who build and market their blogs to attract millions of targeted readers and then sell ad space to companies selling blog related products. You can also place affiliate links and make a very nice living helping companies sell their products and services.
The key to blogging online for money is to know how to structure a blog around your chosen topic and find related search terms that have a good amount of daily searches internet wide. You then have to build and market your blog around that search term to begin driving visitors to your site.
The cool thing is that it does not matter what you want to blog about, once you learn how to start a blog and make money online the right way you can take any topic and use it to earn more money.
The key to writing on the internet is not what you want to write about but how you write about the topic to attract the highest volume of site visitors you possibly can reach.
Wanting to blog for money is a great start. now all you have to do is learn how to work with search engines and learn how to identify what search terms people use and you can begin to make a consistent income online.
If you have any question on making making money online or on setting up a blog, fill free to contact me on,, +2347032973204